Without being able to get out as much at the moment I've spent a little time adding to a couple of earlier posts as more information or pictures have come to light.
Firstly, I've acquired a photo of the now-demolished Anchor Inn in Bakewell. Taken in August 1902, when Elizabeth Briddon was the landlady, it's all decked-out for Edward VII's coronation.

Also, whilst delving in old directories for information on Elton's former Red Lion I stumbled across a reference to William Raines, a farmer and victualer at Pike Hall, in Glover's 1829 edition. In all likelihood he's at the Pikeham Inne as there wasn't much else in Pikehall at the time. There's not much else in Pikehall now, to be honest. The only other reference to the inn that I've seen is on Ogilby's 17th century Manchester to Derby map. There's no mention of him or any other victualer at Pikehall in later directories that I've found.

In these challenging, uncertain times I'm doing my best to support local business. In exchange for a strategically placed envelope, filled with folded fivers, Jen drops off a case of essential supplies from Aldwark on my doorstep. The latest delivery has been washed down, has settled (it's bottle conditioned) and is ready for sampling.

Speaking of Aldwark, I have made a little progress in tracking down the Bull's Head but have no new info on the Red Lion. I've also noticed that the aforementioned Ogilby map shows another hostelry that's thought to have been in the hamlet - the Pipers Inne. Looks like a lot more digging is still required. So, nothing new to report in Aldwark.
One thing that I do now have from Aldwark though is a glass of Frankenstein Porter. I was told that it was named after Jen's daughter Fran - 'because she's a little monster' - but there's nothing monstrous about it. Whilst stouts and porters aren't my go-to styles of beer I've found this one very enjoyable and frighteningly drinkable. Frighteningly is probably quite appropriate for Frankenstein, I suppose.

At 5.5% (I believe the cask version comes in a smidgeon lighter at 5.4%) it has strawberries, liquorice, citrus and coffee. That's not what my sophisticated palette comes up with, but what it says on the label.
As well as appearing in an unadulterated form it also seems to form a base for limited-quantity brews for beer festivals. Frankenstein with chilli & ginger and Frankenstein with coffee are two offerings that have been seen racked up. Have to say I've sampled neither.
Well, that's the update over. Back to that Frankenstein and the directories to sort out the lions of Ashbourne mentioned in my previous post. I'm sure that you'll be pleased to hear that the next post is well on its way and will soon be with you. But just like Matt Hancock and all that PPE for hospitals and care homes I can't say with any certainty exactly when it will arrive.
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